Kundali Matching

Kundali Matching

Horoscope Matching for Marriage

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At matrimonialsindia.com, we understand how important it is to match horoscopes before marriage in Indian culture. We offer professional services to help you find the perfect life partner for a happy marriage. Our astrologers provide free horoscope matching to see if the bride and groom will be compatible. They look at many factors like the couple's personality, how well they get along emotionally, and what their future may be like together.

This helps make sure the bride and groom will be a good match for marriage. We have helped hundreds of people find the right life partner through our online horoscope matching service.

What is Kundali Matching?

Kundali matching, also known as Horoscope matching, is a traditional Vedic practice. According to this, the compatibility of couples is assessed. Matching the horoscopes of the prospective bride and groom determines whether the couple's marriage will be successful or not.

A horoscope is a graphical representation of the position of certain celestial bodies at the time of a person's birth. Which tells that person's personality traits, inclinations and overall compatibility with others. Thus, we can say that this is the only way which not only connects two people but also connects two families.

Kundli matching can help in these ways:

This shows whether the couple will get along well or have fights.

  • It looks after the health and well-being of the bride and groom.

  • It checks whether there is any flaw or problem with their match or not.

  • It looks at how the planets will impact their lives.

  • This helps them to know about the problems that may arise in the future.

  • By matching horoscopes it can be known whether the bride and groom will be happy together or not.

So by doing this the marriage starts with the best chance of success.

What to Consider When Matching Kundalis

There are some key elements that our experienced astrologers look at while matching horoscopes:


For Gunas, horoscope matching is done based on the position of the Moon in the birth chart where eight Gunas are used. Each quality is given some marks only then the calculation is done. So the higher your score, the better the match. These eight qualities include Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha Maitri, Gana, Nadi, and Bhakoot.


While matching the horoscope, three Doshas are definitely considered which are Manglik Dosha, Nadi Dosha, and Kala Sarpa Dosha. These faults can create obstacles in your marriage. Therefore, measures to cancel any negative effects are also suggested.

Planetary Positions

Along with this, the planetary positions in the horoscope are also evaluated to determine the areas of influence in the life of the couple after marriage. Therefore, your horoscope is prepared on the basis of all these.

How to Get Your Kundali Matched

To get the most accurate horoscope matching analysis, follow these steps:

  • Enter your primary details like gender, name, date of birth, time of birth, city of birth, religion and caste.

  • Match your horoscope like partner's name, date of birth, time of birth and city of birth.

  • Finally fill your contact details including email ID and mobile number and this way you will easily get all the information.

You can rest assured that you will find a partner by using our horoscope matching services. It matches you exactly and will help you establish a successful and long lasting marriage. To know more about our horoscope matching services, contact us immediately.

Disclaimer : Matrimonialsindia.com is exclusively meant for marriage seekers and not for dating, casual relationships, commercial use, or illegal activities. Users must have a genuine intent for a matrimonial alliance.

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