Jathagam Porutham: Find Wedding Guidance And Matchmaking

Jathagam Porutham: Find Wedding Guidance And MatchmakingIn the Tamil Community, Marriage matching, or matchmaking, is a just decision that is taken on behalf of a boy and girl, Porutham. Tamilians strongly believe in Hindu astrology, so they follow the rules and regulations before finalizing the wedding. So they should check the horoscope comparability for marriage. Porutham is properly checked to discover any problem or Dosha in their birth chart. It creates remedies to decrease the outcome of a happy married life.

How do I calculate it?
Porutham is a calculation that depends on the Janam Rashi and birth chart of the boy and girl. It is committed before the wedding. The ten Jathagam Poruthams are important as per the various perspectives of a person’s mind, personality, and body. The effects of each are counted one by one.

Jathagam Porutham in Marriage Matching

Dina Porutham
It shows the good health and wealth of the couple with the liberty of poverty, illness, and one more disease. After doing the matching, a count of 2, 4, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 24, or 26 is collected, the couple has Dina Porutham compatibility, and the match is assumed to be outstanding.

Gana Porutham
It speaks about the nature of the couple and makes sure of the great compatibility of body, mind, and sensuality after matrimony. Gana Porutham can be divided into three different types:

• Deva Ganam: It adds about good nature, being soft-spoken, big-hearted, well-behaved, and loving.

• Manushya Ganam: It shows that the person has a mixed nature, both good and bad.

• Rakshasa Ganam: It shows that the person has bad behavior. Nature can be rude, aggressive, and rough.

Rajju Porutham
It speaks about the long life of a husband, and it is deeply studied due to the long life. It makes for a happy bond with your wife. It can result in a long, happy married life.

Rasi Porutham
The Rasi Porutham is helpful for the prediction of the progeny of a couple.

Yoni Porutham
It shows determining the physical relationship compatibility in the middle of the couple after getting married. It is just aimed at the couple coming together to create a new generation, or progeny, and to survive in euphony in the future.

Vedha Porutham
It shows the affliction that comes in a couple's life when the stars are not aligned with each other.

Vasya Porutham
It calculates compatibility in the middle of the zodiac signs. Thus, the Koota agreement allows for mutual love and affection.

Mahendra Porutham
It showcases the progeny in a calculation measure. As per Mahendra Porutham, the family will have different children and prosperity. It even also the husband will have the ability to defend his wife and kids from the bad.

Stree Deerga Porutham
It ensures the female counterpart’s well-being, longevity, and riches. If the boy’s star is more than 13, there is Stree Deergha Porutham.

Rashi Adhipathi Porutham
It is important to the compatibility of the walk birth stars of boy and girl with their lords, who might be in friendship with each other. It also appears that the Rashi lords of the boy and girl are friends and even neutral.

In the method of the date of birth, the date of birth of the boy is collected with the time and place of birth. The horoscope, or primarily the rasi chart, is made. After that, the same process is followed for the girl, who is well-prepared. The charts of the boy and the girl are compared, and all the properties are properly evaluated. Around 10 to 12 properties, or Poruthams, are evaluated for matching.

No doubt, the Poruthams are expected to be important. However, others are said to be nice to have, and a few are optional. If you are looking for the Jathagam Porutham, in Tamil Nadu, the prime is Poruthams. They are well matched: dinam, ganam, and mahendram.

If it is a love marriage, you can find that the vasya porutham is supposed to be the strongest. However, when it comes to weddings in Tamil, other Poruthams do play a significant role. They demand longevity in the marriage. It is important to have good fortune in marriage. They should not move into the bad time and no doubt, the course of the marriage and more essential Poruthams.

Marriage is expected to be a quite serious matter in Hinduism. Thus, they wish to create a holy and satisfied life for the boy and the girl who wishes to get locked in a wedding lock where there is prosperity and harmony. For this reason, the Porutham Jathakam is studied by discussing the future lives of the boy and the girl mutually.

If you wish to grab more information about the Tamil Kundali Matching, you can contact the team of experts. These experts have a specialization in Jathagam Porutham and can help you find the best information. Some services are available free of charge, while others ask for payment. As per your requirements, you can choose the services.

You should consider the point that these Poruthams are not of much consequence until the marriage is performed at a formal level. So, with friends or more relationships, the Jathagam Porutham does not play a significant role at all. However, when it comes to Tamil Kundali Matching, the Poruthams do play a significant role.

There is a requirement to have longevity in the marriage; there is a requirement to have good fortune in the marriage; both parties must not fall into bad times in the course of the wedding; and there are other significant factors. Always contact an experienced person who has good knowledge about it as it is going to work out for lifelong relationships.

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