Why Do People Opt For Kundali Matching Before An Indian Marriage?

Ever questioned why Indians take astrological guidance for Kundali Milan? Why do people view it as the first and most important thing to do? Why is it crucial in deciding if the bride and groom will get married?

Families, on the other hand, like to consider all relevant elements and adhere to customs before accepting a marriage proposal. One such crucial element is astrology. People believe that it is significant in marriages. Yes, during Hindu weddings in India to ensure a successful union people emphasize Kundali Milan.

Kundali Milan, also known as Kundali matching, is a traditional Hindu wedding planning procedure used in India. Astrologers examine the boy and girl's horoscopes or birth charts before marriage. Furthermore, they provide a Kundali Milan astrological roadmap predicated on the planets' and Gunas' Dashas, or periods. Astrology provides marriage counseling if a person's horoscope contains any malevolent planets.

Why Is Kundali Matching This Important?

In India, arranged marriages are the most common practice. And it might be challenging to marry someone who is different from you and whom you have never met. This constitutes one of the explanations why Hindus match two Kundalis or Janampatris before choosing a spouse. During Kundali Milan, families match the wedding couple's horoscopes. This is to ascertain if the pair will experience happiness and prosperity in their marriage.

Before the wedding families match Kundalis in detail to determine the bride and groom's general marriage compatibility. There are 36 Gunas in all, based on astrology. Families match it to determine a couple's balance and potential success. An astrologer may provide several treatments if the Gunas need assistance.

The prospective couple's Kundali Milan is also seen to be significant when considering the well-being of their future offspring. For instance, Nadi, the eighth guna, predicts the likelihood of labour and any complications that may arise.

To determine compatibility on both a physical and cerebral level, Kundali matching is what people often choose. The planetary configurations in the birth charts of both couples might reveal their contrasting behavioural styles. As a result, pandits predict the couple's thinking, interests, attitudes, behaviour, and other such factors using Kundali Milan. Throughout the matching process, the boy and girl's overall health and well-being are also evaluated. It is also determined whether there is a sufficient degree of physical attraction between the boy and the female.

Occasionally, the timing and alignment of the stars can produce Dashas in a person's horoscope chart, such as Shani Dasha or Mangal Dasha. Families try to mitigate the negative impacts of Dashas with Kundali matching in your Hindu Kundali.

People want an astrological guide for Kundali Milan to address issues with mismatched or unmatched Kundalis. An expert astrologer will make recommendations for Upayas (solutions) that will lessen the unfavourable impact of the Dashas or yogas in the couple's Kundali.

They also predict financial stability and professional opportunities by matching Kundali. According to Vedic astrology, the movement of the planets after marriage affects both the lives of the couples. Furthermore, every parent looks for a suitable partner who will be financially stable for their kids.

Benefits Of Kundali Matching:

Although Kundali Matching is still frequently used in India, some people have voiced their opposition to it. They think it is obsolete and unimportant in the present. However, Kundali matching has several advantages. These make it a useful ritual for individuals who are thinking about getting married.

Compatibility -

The main advantage of Kundali matching is that it aids in determining a pair's compatibility. They do this by comparing the placements of the stars and planets in the horoscopes of the two people. This is to find any possible areas of compatibility or conflict.

It may be a sign that a couple is a good match and likely to have a happy marriage. This is if their horoscopes demonstrate a high level of compatibility concerning their personalities, values, and life objectives.

Divorce Prevention -

In recent years, divorce rates have risen globally as more couples struggle to keep up happy and healthy relationships. By identifying possible areas of contention and resolving them before the marriage, Kundali matching can help prevent divorce.

The horoscopes of two people might indicate a high possibility of issues over money or parenting. Families generally want to discuss and settle this before getting married. This lowers the danger of later disputes that could result in divorce.

Enhance Your Communication -

Kundali matches before getting married, can improve communication between couples. By talking about their horoscopes and any potential conflict or compatibility points. Couples can get to know one another better and comprehend each other's personalities, values, and objectives on a deeper level. This can improve their ability to communicate and give their marriage a better basis.

Maintain Traditions -

Indian history and culture are strongly ingrained in Kundali matching, and many families still place great importance on this practice. Kundali matching may be a significant step in the marriage process for people who want to respect their cultural background and keep their customs alive.

Why Are Guna Number Matches Important?

Vedic astrology matches 36 different Gunas to determine whether a couple is compatible before they decide to marry. Ashta Koota matching points together form 36 Gunas. At least 18 of the 36 Gunas in a marriage should match for it to be joyful and prosperous.

For marriage, 18 to 25 Gunas is a good match.

A very excellent marital match would be something between 25 and 35 Gunas.

As per astrology, 32 to 36 Gunas is a great match.

Simply said, Vedic Astrology considers Horoscope matching or Kundali Milan to be essential before marriage. It helps to ensure that the married pair will have a happy, wealthy, and lengthy marriage. Therefore, seeking the advice of an astrologer is essential to better understanding one's prospective spouse.

Kundali matching is a useful practice for persons who are thinking about getting married. It can help couples establish a firmer foundation for their marriage. It can raise the chances of a happy and lasting relationship thanks to several advantages. Even while it might not be for everyone, Kundali Matching has a lot to offer.

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